How to Scooter Using BOTH Feet

This essential "trick" will allow you to go further and faster on any scooter. You NEED to push with both feet (not at the same time though ... heh heh). Here's why: When you only push with one foot (i.e. push with your left, while your right is planted on the deck), your planted thigh muscles will quickly tire. Your pushing leg will also get tired, but it's using different muscles. If you can alternate your pushing and plant legs every few strokes, you can give both of your legs a "rest" when you change the muscles being used. 

Here's how it's done (see the video at the bottom)

Push with your left foot while your right is planted. Push about 5 - 10 strokes.

Pivot on your right heel and at the same time plant, and put weight on the deck with the toe area of your left foot.

Pivot your left foot, on your toes, to straighten it and at the same time take your right foot off. Push 5 - 10 strokes.

Now, left heel pivot, right toe plant

Right toe pivot, left foot off and push


It takes a little bit of practice, but by using this technique, you'll evenly distribute the work of pushing and "squatting". Each movement uses different muscles and by switching feet you'll noticeably increase your endurance and speed. This method also has the advantage of keeping your plant foot facing straight forward, an important biometric factor for both efficiency and ergonomic health. Check out the video below.

Here's what it looks like

This "pivot - switching" method is a GREAT skill to practice. You'll be surprised by the results. Keep on scootin'!


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